Posts Tagged ‘gas’

gas prices up

August 30, 2012

Blame bad old hurricane isaac. OK so gas price at an all time high now. Hope that we are able to weather this one. It could affect our election of a prez. Also, people are fearing we could go deeper into a recession. That is obvious mon. Like it is easy to make predictions, but the more we assume… The more you and me become an ass.

gas going up

December 6, 2010

OK so one of my predictions was gas going over $3/gal this year. Well, motorists will be paying $3 by Christmas and it keeps going up. Folks, this HDRKID prediction coming true is due to us hitting peak oil back in 2005 and demand rising. The rise is created by india, china, and other emerging economies.

Pirates Ahoy!

April 5, 2010

There be pirates on the high seas. Folks, this is not a scene from a movie. Today some pirates hi jack an south korean oil tanker on the high seas. It is like where is our satellite technology we use for war. US cannot keep oil lanes open.

In other news, price of oil is rising. This should not come as a surprise. An HDRKID prediction is gas over $3/gal and rising.