Archive for November, 2010

euro concerns

November 30, 2010

Folks, euro concerns make markets uneasy. Hey, not that they were ever easy. That said, I predict more woe in coming year. Well, that is to be expected, but we need to prepare.

London’s Bus

November 29, 2010

London’s bus is iconic. Well, it reboots 21 century style for our era. This is good news. Although still red in color, the new bus is more green.

Food crisis

November 27, 2010

What will you do when there are only a few empty boxes at your grocery. Yeah, as in all the food is gone. Debunkers will of course giggle, say that everything is fine and the food trucks is just around the corner. They did nothing to prepare. Hey, what about you? Decisions you make now can determine if you survive. Please plant survival seeds in your victory garden now.


Buyer Beware

November 26, 2010

They say caveat emptor, but what does that mean. Well, it is Latin for buyer beware or as we say – keep your eyes open. What out for scams. That is what it means. Frankly, those are now common. Especially in the holiday season.

cougar cruise

November 25, 2010

Folks, this just in. There is a cougar cruise leaving miami. Hey, I am not making this up. It is using a ship from norwegian cruises. Well, old ladies do like young men. That said, this is not all that common. I am talking about in miami. For example, you see a lot of rich sugar daddies who have money. Not so sure on a cougar cruise.

Keystone Predictions

November 23, 2010

HDRKID made many major keystone predictions that have come. For example gas prices going up. Also, the destruction of our currency. People need to wake up. Here, see MOT and what he is saying.


November 21, 2010

Folks, one emp or electromagnetic pulse and the whole world goes dark for ever. Or at least a very long time because we go back to the stone age.  This is a major concern. Debunkers claim that all is fine and I am crazy. However, there is a scary scenario. It is that some nasty people would get a hold of an emp weapon. This could crush our economy. People would be in a state of worry. Like they would spend their time trying to find food because there would be in the grocery none. Folks, there are some scary reports from remote viewers. Basically they report a dark city scenario.


November 20, 2010

OK so newPAYpers are forcing people to pay now. Yeah, the pay walls are going up. I can understand people paying before when newspapers were actually made out of paper. That said, it cost money. Basically to move around the wood pulp, but now it is electrons that are moving.

They say pay for content requires a focus approach from our newspapers. People, this is like a scam. We should not have to pay. They already using ads make a lot of money. What more do they want from us?

End of an era

November 20, 2010

Well, in many way it is history that we are seeing. Yeah folks, this is like the very end of an era. These are the last days of the american empire. It is similar to the ancient roman empire. Hey, we have more technology, but there is no enormous successor. Folks, this empire will be gone soon.

Nemesis: The Last Days of the American Republic (The American Empire Project)

Shadow Scholar

November 17, 2010

Shadow Scholar writes student papers. Most of you have never heard of this academic mercenary. He is very secretive as we can assume. Fact is that unknown is his name. That said, he is responsible for many a phd that is given.