Archive for November, 2010

news week gone

November 15, 2010

There is information on news week gone. Hope it is a joke from some one. I love news. Yeah, much as I hate paper, it used to rule the world of newspapers. Yet, here we are.

Unemployment is serious

November 9, 2010

Hi folks, hate to say so. However, unemployment is serious. Instead of fixing the problem, politicians say everything is fine and we are in a recovery. This is not what we are seeing.

Stink bugs versus wasp

November 8, 2010

It is now asian stink bugs versus wasp. Perhaps a chinese wasp can get rid of a stinky mess. Folks, this is a stink bug invasion. They get worse every year. It is like they are advancing even.

Twitter Troubles

November 4, 2010

Twitter troubles are me. I am getting the big twitter fail whale more and more. Sadly, the whole deal reminds me of DIGG, as in a once great internet site from years ago. This can happen to companies. Think GM for example, it got big fat and sloppy, then it should tried to go back to being lean and mean.

energy crisis

November 2, 2010

Folks we face an energy crisis. This one will be far worse that the long lines in the 70’s for gas. Well, you see – this one lead to rationing of resources. People will due to our energy crisis have to get smaller cars. Sadly many new emerging economies will increase consuming our energy resource pie. There is not enough for all of us. I expect some resource wars.